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Join us for worship - Sundays at 9:30AM & 11:00AM



August 30, 2021

 This committee leads a wide range of technology and communications initiatives for the church. On the technology side, committee members build and help implement the strategies for how to improve the technology our staff, congregation and the community see everyday. Some examples include the website, worship livestream and recordings, social media platforms and content, Zoom technology for online and hybrid classes, and all technology infrastructure and investments needed to support rapidly evolving requirements to reach and engage our community. On the communication side, staff members and committee volunteers work together to create the strategies, messaging, design, video, and platforms to communicate important information from church leaders, staff and committees. Since we have a wide range of responsibilities, we need plenty of volunteers! If you have technology or communication skills, we’d love to have you on our team. It’s a great committee for people who can’t always meet or volunteer in person.

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