Summer worship schedule begins Sunday, May 26th. Join us weekly for worship at 10AM until Sept. 15th.

A Breezy Easter Service

    January 01, 1975 | Our Member's Stories by Betsy Girard

    A Breezy Easter Service

    By Betsy Girard

    They broke ground for our beautiful church 150 years ago in 1870.  In the following years, there have been many additions and changes, including the present Sanctuary and the Christian Education or Davidson Building.  The most recent major addition was “The Connector,” completed in 1997.  Before The Connector’s completion, the two buildings were separated by a breezeway connecting the parking lot with Lancaster Avenue.

    Some members will recall the traffic path between the two buildings on a Sunday morning as they shuttled from the church service to coffee hour, and to church school classes. 

    On an Easter morning in the mid-1970s, Associate Pastor Gary Reddish decided to lead a sunrise service in the space between the two buildings.  It turned out to be unseasonably cold and windy, and our breezeway became a wind tunnel.  The gathering was no more than 12 souls holding tightly to programs to keep them from blowing away. My daughter, Kim, and I were among them and we both remember the only sunrise service we attended in the aptly named breezeway.

    Our beautiful Connector has replaced the breezeway, and is a welcoming gathering place.