Summer worship schedule begins Sunday, May 26th. Join us weekly for worship at 10AM until Sept. 15th.

“I do not believe the Bible points to any political policy or action…I believe, at the most, the Bible (a) can frame questions in the public sector according to the will and purpose of God as that will and purpose have been discerned in the church in a long, interpretive tradition, and (b) can provide specific materials that can evoke and tilt our imagination in one direction or another.”-Walter Bruegemann (2013)

The Social Justice Advocacy Committee continues to raise a voice against the evils of hunger, poverty, gun violence, racism, ecological degradation, and other societal ills. We regularly urge our federal and state representatives, as they contemplate legislation, to consider those who are marginalized in our society as in Matthew 25. In collaboration with the Adult Education Committee, we sponsor adult education series to raise our awareness of the hiddenness of these ills on the affluent Main Line and in the nation and the world.

Bread for the World

425 3rd Street SW, Suite 1200
Washington DC 20024

The Rev. Eugene Cho, President/CEO of Bread for the World

What You Can Do?  You can act by speaking up for an end to hunger in a number of ways:

Write Letters  Write to your representatives at the federal and state level about issues currently moving in Congress or the State Legislature.

Social Media  Speak up on social media and tag your senator or representative.

Talk Talk with your friends and family about our responsibility to work for an end to hunger.

Organize Community Efforts Organize an Offering of Letters to Congress in your church or community.

Pray  Make prayers to end hunger part of your regular prayer life.

Give  For every dollar you donate, Bread helps win hundreds of dollars in federal government assistance for people experiencing hunger in the U.S. and around the world.

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The Office of Public Witness of the Presbyterian Church (USA)

Presbyterian Mission Agency
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
100 Witherspoon Street
Louisville, KY 40202-1396
Call 800-728-7228


The Office seeks to translate the church’s deep convictions about justice, peace, and freedom into reality by advocating for the positions established by the PC(USA). The Office engages national legislators and their staffs to help clarify the moral and ethical issues at stake in public policy decisions. For example, advocacy can take the form of inquiring about programs that involve local law enforcement in enforcing federal immigration laws, contacting your legislators to urge them to take action on immigration, serving directly in partnership with local immigrant communities, and educating yourself on immigration issues. Be creative, prayerful, and discern how God is calling you to respond to the needs of our communities.

The Rev. Jimmie Ray Hawkins, Director, Office of Public Witness, 100 Maryland Avenue NE, Suite 410, Washington, DC 20002.

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National Black Presbyterian Caucus (Philadelphia Chapter)

"The Black Church Family, Congregation, and Community in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.): Navigating Identity, Equity and Economics”

The Mission of the National Black Presbyterian Caucus is to serve Jesus Christ, and enrich the Black Presbyterian congregations and their communities, through a commitment to congregational enhancement, advocacy, and social and racial justice; and through challenge to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) when it fails to take seriously the needs of the poor, oppressed, and disenfranchised.

The purpose of the National Black Presbyterian Caucus is to Enable–Equip–and Empower people of the African Diaspora, in dealing with current issues that adversely affect or that can enhance their lives in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and society. Persons of the African Diaspora are those throughout the world that are descended from the historic movement of peoples from Africa.

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Heading God's call to End Gun Violence

414 Barclay Road
Rosemont, PA 19010

Mr. Bryan Miller, Executive Director

Gun violence in Philadelphia is a top issue. The mass shootings in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and gun deaths by suicide and ghost guns cries out for common sense gun regulation. HGC provides letter templates that can be sent to one’s federal and state legislators to call for regulations to curb gun violence in our state. A majority of Pennsylvanians support this.

See concerning facts about gun violence that Christians need to know here:

Advocacy by writing to federal and state lawmakers is easy and encouraged via this link on their website:

Gun violence in Philadelphia is a top issue of the upcoming 2023 mayoral election. For an overview of what candidates would do if elected, read:

Consider writing a letter to the editor of the Philadelphia Inquirer to express the urgent need for the state legislature to pass common sense gun regulation to help the city.

Calling attention to gun violence murders in Philadelphia and the Wayne community. (April 2021)

Calling attention to gun violence murders in Philadelphia and the Wayne community. (April 2021)

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Ministry of Public Witness of the PA Council of Churches

The Ministry of Public Witness of the PA Council of Churches

The Rev. Sandy Strauss, Director of Advocacy and Ecumenical Outreach
Ministry of Public Witness of the PA Council of Churches
900 S. Arlington Avenue, Suite 211A
Harrisburg, PA 17109-5024

The ministry works to inform, educate, and empower people of faith on significant public issues. It seeks to build a more just society by advocating on behalf of the Council’s member church bodies. More than 10 opportunities are identified on their website. One of them-- the importance of equity in public education funding—has long been supported by the Social Justice Advocacy team: Join the Public Education Champion Fellowship Program

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