Summer worship schedule begins Sunday, May 26th. Join us weekly for worship at 10AM until Sept. 15th.

"Caring hands in joyful service"

The Deacon Ministry of Wayne Presbyterian Church

Spotlight Events

Red Cross Blood Drive
September 11, 2024

Please consider signing up to donate blood. Many people think they are not eligible but they...

View all Deacon's Events

The role of the Deacons, as described in Scripture, is to "fulfill a ministry of compassion, witness and service, sharing the redeeming love of Jesus Christ for the poor, the hungry, the sick, the lost, the friendless, those burdened by unjust policies or structures, or anyone in distress".

If you have a need or know someone that could benefit from any of the services offered by our Deacons, please contact us.  And, please take a copy of our Deacon Ministries brochure from the literature rack in the Connector or Vestibule and look to see if there is anything with which they can help you or a family member:  Do you need a ride to church?   Do you need meals while you recover from surgery?   Would you like a Deacon visit?  Would you like to participate in our blood drive, or prepare a Christmas Angel tree basket?  Let us know….

Deacon Co-Moderator John Larkin610-608-7569

Deacon Co-Moderator Carolyn Lolli, 484-792-1272

Deacon Secretary Anne McCrary, 610-688-7945

Youth Deacons Adam Bernholdt & Parker Bruhns

Deacon Committees:

Care & Compassion Chairman, Mary Bollinger, 610-647-4648

Congregational Services Chairman, Leanne Pretz, 484-595-0479

Community Service Chairman, Steve Fakharzadeh, 610-240-7954