Summer worship schedule begins Sunday, May 26th. Join us weekly for worship at 10AM until Sept. 15th.
Who We Are

WinGS (Women in Gods Service), formerly known as Presbyterian Women, is for women of any age or stage of life who seek to study the Bible, engage in mission work, and/or enjoy Christian fellowship with other women.  Below you will find information on events, programs for Moms, Bible study and Prayer Shawl Knitters. 

WinGS also holds programs each year to which all women are invited such as a fall and spring breakfast, a Christmas Tea, a two-day retreat in February, and an end of the year social. We invite an inspirational or informational speaker to each of these annual events and incorporate lots of time for fellowship.

For more information about any WinGS program, please contact Angela Tait,  , Elder.  

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