Summer worship schedule begins Sunday, May 26th. Join us weekly for worship at 10AM until Sept. 15th.

Our Stories


    His Compassions Never Fail
    01.01.05 | Our Member's Stories | by Ruth Murphy

    Susan Aggarwal, at a WiNGS event, explains how at difficult moments God sent angels to show her His faithfulness and love: “All those years, when He was just in the background, He was just waiting for me to call on Him.”

      A Treasured Memory
      01.01.00 | Our Member's Stories | by Ted Behr

      Is there a reflection of Philippians 1:27 in the copy room? You’ve walked past this plaque many dozens of times on entering the office complex at Wayne Presbyterian! Now you’ll know why it’s there.

      Finding Wayne: by Beth Collins
      01.01.00 | Our Member's Stories | by Andrew Hostetter

      My favorite times of praise at Wayne Pres have been singing and dancing with the K-4th graders in Joyful Noise with Mrs. M. I found it harder than most 1st graders to remember all of the books of the bible but had many chances to commit it to memory. Please don't ask me to sing it by myself.

        Cathy Chandler’s Story
        01.01.98 | Our Member's Stories | by Pamela Jensen

        How Cathy came to Wayne and her story of the experience. Through the tenure of at least 14 pastors, associate pastors, and interim pastors; the terms of dozens of classes of elders and deacons; and scores of classes of Sunday School children, Ms. Cathy Chandler has been a constant at Wayne Presbyterian Church.

          CityLights The Early Years
          01.01.94 | Our Member's Stories | by George Aman

          Dr. Hestenes quoted Jesus’ defining measure of love, “If you have done it for the least of these my brothers and sisters, you have done it for me” (Matthew 28:40). “And where,” she asked us, “does our congregation feel uniquely gifted to serve in the world?”

            City Lights - The First 20 years
            11.13.90 | Our Member's Stories | by Buzz Mossholder | by John Galloway | by Carey Davis

            “… over 20 years ago, Carey Davis answered the call to a Christ-like mission the size of a mustard seed. Starting small, very local, often one person at a time—then bringing together a few people gathered in the name of Jesus. She has reached and rallied scores of persons in Southwest Philadelphia and called countless more people from the suburbs to form new bonds, to find a new sense of what community means and to anticipate the Kingdom together in quite remarkable ways. We cannot begin to calculate the enormity of her more than two decades of service through CityLights—nor can we count the hundreds of persons who have found hope and heard a call through her ministry....” ...
