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Summer worship schedule begins Sunday, May 26th. Join us weekly for worship at 10AM until Sept. 15th.



August 30, 2021

The Children’s Ministries Committee supports the educational offerings, fellowship events and mission opportunities for WPC children and their families. Working with Kelli Masters, our Director of Children’s Ministries, the team helps make sure the church provides nurturing care for infants and toddlers on Sunday mornings, as well as wonderful Sunday School programs for children age 2 through grade 5. The committee also plans programs that enable families to spend time together at special dinner gatherings, movie nights, mission projects, and seasonal celebrations. Rewarding volunteer opportunities abound on this committee! Sunday School teachers are always needed, as well as volunteers to help support fun events, with a wide range of time commitments available. It’s a great way for young parents to get acquainted and get involved!

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