Summer worship schedule begins Sunday, May 26th. Join us weekly for worship at 10AM until Sept. 15th.

Joe Modica Class

Joe Modica Class
Every Sunday, from 09/17/2023 to 12/03/2023, 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Location: Fireside Room, 125 E Lancaster Ave, Wayne, PA US 19087

Sunday Morning Bible Study with Dr. Joseph B. Modica, Chaplain, Eastern University

All are welcome at 9:30 AM in the Fireside Room to join Dr. Modica for his 10th year teaching Sunday Morning Bible Study at WPC. This Fall's program (starting September 17th and ending December 17th) presents a study series on the Book of Genesis. We’ll be using the Genesis commentary by Joan E. Cook. Here is a LINK to the book. While it is not necessary to purchase the book to participate in the class, you might find this short text to be a most helpful and accessible study guide.

Cook’s introduction notes that “Genesis is a story about beginnings: of the universe, of humans, of joys and sorrows, successes, and failures. The book focuses on the relationships between God and people as well as those among different people. These themes are simple in principle, but often complex in our lives. While the themes of Genesis are universal, they can be complex because they are expressed in the styles and settings of the ancient Near East.”

Dr. Modica designs his classes to stand alone. So, grab a cup of coffee and come to one class, a few or the entire series.

For more information, please email Sal Ambrosio at

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