Summer worship schedule begins Sunday, May 26th. Join us weekly for worship at 10AM until Sept. 15th.


Wayne Presbyterian Church is blessed with a rich heritage of Christian worship, music, service and fellowship. We are also blessed with a beautiful and historic physical campus that enriches our faith and community. We have inherited this community and campus from the brothers and sisters who came before us, and we seek to enrich the lives and faith of those who come after us, all in service and glory to God.

One of the ways we do this is by building and preserving an Endowment Fund, which is a permanent or perpetual fund whose purpose is to provide long-term income to continue and extend the work and ministry of our church.

A sufficient endowment is essential to supporting the work, resilience and future of the church. Our current Endowment Fund is about $5 million, which is quite small for a church of our size, heritage and mission. Our annual “draw” from the Endowment Fund sustains many of our programs, and an expanded endowment will secure the vitality, reach and impact of our ministries.

Please prayerfully consider joining the Good Shepherd Society – a group of faithful members who have made arrangements for contributing “legacy gifts” to the Endowment Fund to secure the future of our church. Such gifts can be “direct gifts” over and above annual giving, and/or “bequests,” deferred gifts made through wills or direct payments of accounts such as IRAs.  

We understand that making a decision to provide a legacy gift is a major decision, so we have created a guide to explain the options – How to Make a Legacy Gift


If you would like to talk to a pastor or a member of the Good Shepherd Society to discuss a gift, ask questions, or notify the church of existing legacy gift arrangements, please complete this Contact Request Form.


A legacy gift is an opportunity to express gratitude for God’s work in your life and uphold the work of our church in our community and for future generations. Thank you for your consideration and your support of Wayne Presbyterian Church.


Frone Crawford

Good Shepherd Society Campaign