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by Janice Mack on January 28, 2021

Write It Forward

Write It Forward A letter writing campaign

“Bringing joy to others is the fastest way to experience joy oneself.”  The Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu

We invite you to participate in a church-wide letter writing campaign.  Help lift our church family’s spirits and serve as a source of encouragement during these winter days of Covid.  Who is someone from church that you miss?  Who has impacted your faith, maybe in ways unknown to them? Send them a letter letting them know that you have been thinking of them!  If you happen to receive a note, remember that feeling of joy and try to "Write It Forward" by sending a note to someone else.  If a letter seems daunting, consider copying a poem, or a recipe or a drawing; anything that will let them know that you are thinking about them. 

Need to find an address?  Click on the Members tab at the top of the homepage to access the secure Directory.

If you would like a suggestion as to who to write, please email Dave Robinson at .  

Questions about Write It Forward?  Email Janice Mack, .

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