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Summer worship schedule begins Sunday, May 26th. Join us weekly for worship at 10AM until Sept. 15th.

Earth Care

Earth Care

October 28, 2021

Earth Care

The “Earth Care Congregation” program is designed to inspire congregations to care for God’s creation in a holistic way, integrating earth care into all facets of church life.  This program grew out of the “Call to Restore the Creation,” part of a Resolution passed in 1990 by the 202nd General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church USA (PC-USA). Reflecting the intimate connection between a healthy environment and food production, the Earth Care Congregation program rests under the auspices of the Presbyterian Hunger Program

.Wayne Presbyterian Liaison Pamela Jensen, Rutger Boerema

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Earth Care
October 28, 2021

Earth Care The “Earth Care Congregation” program is designed to inspire...

Mission Crossroads
November 11, 2020 | Pamela Jensen

Interesting reading - Presbyterian Mission Agency Mission Crossroads

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