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This Tender Land....jog your memory of the significant events and themes in the book....

August 23, 2021

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The display case in front of the library is now filled with items centered around This Tender Land, by Kent Krueger.  I hope that you will take a few minutes to look it over before or after worship.  The case is a great way to jog your memory of the significant events and themes in the book.  You may even be stumped as to why a few things are there!  Also, in the library there are a number of items for you to read or look through.  For example, there is a teaching kit from the Carlisle Indian Residential School which contains photos of students and reproductions of the school newspaper, yearbook, letters, and personal correspondence.  In addition, we have collected many recent articles regarding Native American children who died while placed in residential schools and whose remains have only recently been returned to their tribes for burial.  I am always amazed how current events can relate to a book that we picked a year ago.  I feel the Holy Spirit's hand in preparing our hearts to hear these stories.


We are anxious to begin the classes and discussion centered around This Tender Land!  Mindful that the pandemic is unfortunately still with us, with cases continuing to rise, we are offering both in-person and virtual options for all four Sundays.  In order to plan, it would be very helpful to have folks RSVP their intention of attending in-person or virtual.  If you need to change your RSVP, just resubmit the form.  Being able to adapt our plans as the conditions warrant will help us with our ultimate goal of fellowship, discussions, and learning around this thought-provoking book.  Please RSVP here.

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