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Join us for worship - Sundays at 9:30AM & 11:00AM

Good Morning - Feb 7 2024

Good Morning - Feb 7 2024

February 07, 2024

Good morning!


I was chatting with a church member last Sunday and she shared how she always reads the One Book, One Church book, but has not been able to participate in any of the classes.  This actually made me very happy!  Yes, we want people to come to discussions and speakers, but we also want people to chat about the book at coffee hour, at their Bible Study, at their Deacon meeting, or with their choir members!


Last Sunday was pretty busy with only one service, the Annual Meeting, and the brunch following.  So I am grateful for the folks who did have time to attend the book discussion groups!  Also, we had a great discussion group last night on Zoom!  I learned more about the book Horse and we had great fellowship!


Below are the questions that we used to guide our discussions for your information. 


February 11, 9:30 am, Fireside Room.  We will be welcoming Dr. Emerson Powery, Professor of Biblical Studies at Messiah University.  He has spoken before at WPC and is a good friend of Dr. Joe Modica. Through the lens of Horse, he will present and facilitate a discussion on how the Bible has been used to both justify slavery and to fight against slavery, and ultimately how the enslaved found liberation and hope in the faith of their oppressors.  


I hope everyone can then attend the Pancake Breakfast at 10:30 in the Chapel, sponsored by the K-4 Sunday School classes and parents!


February 18, 9:30 am, Fireside Room.  We will be welcoming Tony Holland, a great friend of many at WPC. Tony is a leader in technology and also in his church where he regularly facilitates transformative conversations. He is a coach in Villanova's Executive MBA Program, sits on several charitable advisory boards, and is committed to helping level the playing field in US education. Tony is interested in pulling on the literary thread of the horse Lexington, and the lives he touched, from his enslaved groom Jarret to the women's rights activist Mary Barr Clay. Through Lexington's story, Tony will consider several themes of the novel: how horses can bring people together and create a sense of belonging, the struggles of enslaved people, and the enduring legacy of one of America's most iconic racehorses.


We have sold all 30 tickets that we purchased for the play!  If you are still interested in joining us, there are tickets available at People’s Light Theatre, but for the regular price.


March 3, 2:00 pm, People’s Light Theatre in Malvern - The church has purchased a block of 30 tickets for the performance of  “the ripple, the wave that carried me home.” showing. Centered on the movement to desegregate community swimming pools, this play takes us on one family’s journey through the decades, from 1930’s acute segregation to Rodney King. Sharing this performance will be a meaningful way to close out our 2024 One Book, One Church which honors Black History Month.


Enjoy the beautiful day!




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