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Summer worship schedule begins Sunday, May 26th. Join us weekly for worship at 10AM until Sept. 15th.

Tent Revivals

Tent Revivals

Tent Revivals. Rev Katy Shevel brings This Tender Land to a close with her class on Tent Revivals. Read more....

October 06, 2021

Tent Revivals


Thank you so much for your enthusiastic response to and participation in One Book, One Church this year!  Many months ago, we choose September as the time to explore This Tender Land together, hoping that it would be a wonderful way to welcome folks back to in-person worship and fellowship!  Kent Krueger’s novel is filled not only with engaging characters but also with thought-provoking faith themes and interesting side topics.  In July, as we watched the Delta variant start to spread and Covid cases rise, we had to quickly adjust to a hybrid version of our classes.  While we had a few technical bumps along the way, we are grateful to everyone who read the book and participated in one or all of the classes, whether in person or by Zoom.  

Thank you, Pastor Katy, for your very informative class on Tent Revivals and the role that they played in the history of the Presbyterian Church!  The way you used examples of characters and situations from This Tender Land to illustrate points was very helpful and a wonderful way to close out the program!  Faith and doubt are indeed two sides of the same coin.

 “There is a river that runs through time and the universe, vast and inexplicable, a flow of spirit that is at the heart of all existence, and every molecule of our being is a part of it.  And what is God but the whole of that river?…. Perhaps the most important truth I’ve learned across the whole of my life is that it’s only when I yield to the river and embrace the journey that I find peace.”    This Tender Land, by Kent Krueger

The One Book, One Church committee is grateful that as a church family, we are willing to ride the river of faith together and support each other through its twists and turns, rapids and still waters, and shallow and deep currents.


Todd Cameron      Becky Greenhow      Kristin Laws      Clara Myers

Nancy Barnes,      Ann Sieger       Jan Frohner      Lora Davis

Rick Davis      Betsy Girard     Mary Bollinger      Janice Mack

Rev Katy Shevel                                       


If you would like the recording to any of the classes, please email Janice Mack at .

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