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Summer worship schedule begins Sunday, May 26th. Join us weekly for worship at 10AM until Sept. 15th.

Baker Industries

Baker Industries

November 01, 2021

Baker Industries

Website: https://www.bakerindustries.org/

Baker Industries was founded by Wayne Presbyterian Church (WPC) members Charles and Louise (Weezie) Baker on behalf of their son. Today, Baker Industries is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit workforce development program with locations in Malvern and Philadelphia, employing and finding outside employment for the disabled, recovering substance abusers, parolees, and the homeless.  Over the past three years, 106 of their employees have joined the regular work force and are now positive contributors to society. WPC has provided both service and financial support for many years. Volunteers can help work alongside their employees on their contracted projects. Visit their website to learn more or contact Wayne Presbyterian Liaison: Scott Laird

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