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Summer worship schedule begins Sunday, May 26th. Join us weekly for worship at 10AM until Sept. 15th.

Great Valley Food Cupboard

Great Valley Food Cupboard

November 01, 2021

 Great Valley Food Cupboard (GVFC)

Website: https://www.bcgv.org/volunteer-give/great-valley-food-cupboard/

GVFC, provides food and basic household supplies at no cost to needy families in the Wayne and Great Valley areas.  Their mission is to treat all who come for help with dignity and respect meeting their food insecurities with care concern and compassion. Prior to the pandemic, non-perishable food and household sundries were donated by depositing (unexpired) items in the wood cabinet in the Connector of Wayne Presbyterian Church (WPC). During the pandemic, GVFC distributes food via a no-contact drive-up process. WPC has financially supported the food cupboard through our Bread From Heaven pandemic ministry. Visit their website to learn more or contact Wayne Presbyterian Liaison: Scott Laird

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