Summer worship schedule begins Sunday, May 26th. Join us weekly for worship at 10AM until Sept. 15th.

Our Stories

Grouped by: Our Members Stories

    When Faith is difficult
    11.11.19 | Our Member's Stories | by Wayne Presbyterian Member

    Faith is easy, until it's not. As a little girl, I got all my Bible stories from a Catholic Church in Huntsville, Alabama. It never occurred to me to question the stories...they just were. I had faith. I raised my three children in this very church, making sure they got their supply of Bible stories, Sunday School, Vacation Bible Camp, Confirmation, etc. I was doing my best to foster their faith. I found as I grew older that having faith was easy when your life was blessed like mine was...when nothing bad happens to you or the ones you love. All was well. God must surely be there taking care of us.

      Dr. Stephen Harberts
      01.01.09 | Our Member's Stories | by Dave Leidy

      Fulfills a bucket list wish for church member Alberta Tonks On Alberta’s 80th birthday, Alberta was surprised with a ride on a motorcycle. All this because Stephen conspired with Diane, his wife and David Leidy to fulfil her ‘bucket list’ dream.

        His Compassions Never Fail
        01.01.05 | Our Member's Stories | by Ruth Murphy

        Susan Aggarwal, at a WiNGS event, explains how at difficult moments God sent angels to show her His faithfulness and love: “All those years, when He was just in the background, He was just waiting for me to call on Him.”

          A Treasured Memory
          01.01.00 | Our Member's Stories | by Ted Behr

          Is there a reflection of Philippians 1:27 in the copy room? You’ve walked past this plaque many dozens of times on entering the office complex at Wayne Presbyterian! Now you’ll know why it’s there.
