Summer worship schedule begins Sunday, May 26th. Join us weekly for worship at 10AM until Sept. 15th.

Our Stories

Grouped by: Our Members Stories

    Connecting the Dudts
    01.01.66 | Our Member's Stories | by Ruth Dudt | by Craig Stock

    Thank you Ruth Dudt for shedding a little light on your experience of Wayne Presbyterian with these words. We hope they will inspire others to connect the Dudts to their own experiences and share them with us! The acquisition of bells that Ruth talks of is expanded in a recent interview with Jeannie Bowman and Julie Barnes in the library at Casa del Sol, Ghost Ranch, NM

      Clara's Gift
      01.01.00 | Our Member's Stories | by Casey Thompson

      Casey Thompson tells how in 1890, a little girl’s act of faith—donating her savings of $1.53—started the campaign that funded the sanctuary where we worship today.
